Friday, September 21, 2007

Statement From Jim Conroy - Candidate for Troy Mayor


"Every time that Harry Tutunjian is confronted with facts that prove the unprofessionalism and ineffectiveness of his administration, he responds by calling me desperate.

When confronted with the amateurish manner in which he has put together the City Hall deal, he called me desperate.

When asked when he will agree to debate me and discuss the issues, he calls me desperate.

When a news reporter posed questions about allegations that members of his administration intimidated people and forced them to run on minor party lines to dilute my support, he didn't answer the accusations, he called me desperate.

When asked about other ongoing investigations into his administration, he calls me desperate.

For once, Mr. Tutunjian is right. I am desperate.

I'm desperate for the Mayor of our City to discuss the issues that are important to our residents, such as crime and taxes. I'm desperate for Mr. Tutunjian to debate me on those issues in front of our residents.

I'm desperate to see the City of Troy move forward with real progress, not just repeated promises. I’m desperate to have a Mayor that cares more about putting these plans into motion, than he does putting them into newspapers.

Yes, I'm desperate for better government and more effective leadership. I think a growing number of Troy residents are just as desperate."